Friday, July 9, 2010

Bloop...... is a Bad Sound.

Sunday dawned bright and early as it always does. I was up and about around 8 AM and started prepping Cassandra to drop the mast. As I was loosening the forward turnbuckle my tired hands slipped and a moment later, Bloop. It was gone. Well, That was enough damage for now... The sails and boom were away, and the mast was ready to come down as soon as Mom and Christine got there to help. Since it was the Fourth of July and I was parched and bored. I decided to see what the down had to offer for drinks and entertainment. I grabbed a strawberry milkshake at the Subway/Hershey Ice Cream place I bought a mouthwatering sub at for dinner the night before. And then I went to peruse the books at the local bookstore.
I spent the rest of the day wandering looking for open stores and finding none because of the holiday, and when I returned to the bookstore it too was closed.
Finally Christine and Mom arrived. They brought a large magnet on a handle to attempt to fish my screw driver out of the harbor. I tied a rope to the handle and threw it in, repeatedly combing the bottom, but with no more results than small, rusted chunks of harbor wall. We decided that to drop the mast we should move the boat back closer to the floating dock nearby, and that leaving the magnet on the bottom while doing so would allow us one last chance to retrieve my screwdriver. We were wrong. As we pulled the boat, the magnet caught on something and pulled the magnet right out of it's handle, leaving just a forlorn piece of plastic hanging from the rope... Another victim claimed by the water.
As we let the mast down I heard a sickening crunch as the boom vang attachment I'd forgotten to remove ground into the deck. Not much harm done, marred gelcoat and a bent snatch hook. Fixable. We carried the mast up, and as I set the foot on the bow pulpit, Bloop. The handle I'd absentmindedly left in the halyard winch fell in. Bother.
So, one day three tools claimed. Bought a new screwdriver and I have a handle on order.

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