Saturday, January 4, 2014

And a Happy New Year.

Very little has happened since Christmas, at least as far as distance traveled is concerned. I'm less than twenty miles past Savannah. New Years was spent with my friends Dan and Hannah whom I met last summer on the West Marine store build in New Hampshire. They'll be getting married in March and I wish them all happiness. I'd like to join them for the event, but I have no idea if I'll even be in the country yet. The following day was rainy and cold, so Cassie and I stayed tied up to the dock in Savannah. I spent money I shouldn't have on touristy things, and then had dinner at an Irish pub; Irish stew and shepherd's pie. It was delicious, and there was a live Celtic band which I sat and watched for at least three hours. That's another highlight of the trip so far. The next day Cassie and I ran for cover in a little river past the next bridge out of Savannah so we'd be protected for the gale force winds forecast for that evening. Nature did not disappoint, nor did my trusty Rocna anchor. We had gusts up to 40mph and sustained winds of at least 30 but didn't drag at all. Yesterday I spend the day huddled in my sleeping bags waiting out the freezing winds on the tail end of that arctic cold-front and reading the collected works of Sherlock Holmes. Today we jumped to the next river so I could stock up on food and fuel so we can make some miles tomorrow. Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the sixties, and then drop back into high fourties the next day, so I may be hunkered down for a few more nights again. We'll see what comes of it all.

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