Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Trailer

After many months of unforeseen delays and setbacks my trailer is finally finished. The current plan is to meet the truck from Village Shores Marina at the boat. They'll put the boat on their trailer and take it to the marina where they can forklift it onto my trailer. If everything works out I should be able to just drop the trailer on and drive off. More likely it will take a few trials to make everything fit properly.
I'm not sure if I've mentioned it but I've got Jackson up and running about as well as I can. He'll need some fine tuning once Cassandra is in the water. Here's hoping.

(Jackson is my donated outboard for those of you who haven't been following the story.)

1 comment:

Andy McB said...

Jackson is the engine or the trailer? You weren't going to discuss your clever trailer modifications?
