Huzzah, progress has been made! This last Tuesday, the 7th, I won an eBay auction for a trailer. The only catch was that it was in Virginia and I was not. So, Thursday night, once I got an address for the trailer, Mom and I packed ourselves into the truck and set off for Virginia. Eight hours later we arrived at a Sleep Inn hotel and crashed for three hours of sleep. When we awoke we continued making our way the last few miles to the marina. Once there we took care of the necessary paperwork, hooked the trailer up and were on our way. It was a blessing that the Virginia plates were still on it so I did not have to get a transport permit from the Virginia DMV. That alone probably saved us an hour or more. So I now have a trailer for Cassandra. It still needs new tires, a keel rest, and new bunk supports. Expenses seem never ending, but that can be overcome with time (sort of). In related news, I now have an outboard motor as well. My grandfather was kind enough to donate his Mercury 75 outboard to the cause.(This is a cause now?)I have named the motor Jackson as an allusion to Alan Jackson, the composer of "Mercury Blues." It's not quite the same kind of Mercury, but Jackson seems to fit the sleek looking little, black outboard.
To summarize, I have a boat a trailer and an outboard. Now I just have to get the boat to the same place as the other two and I can start preparing for Summer 2010.
- Peace be with you until we meet again.